What do JK Rowling, Arturo Perez-Rivarte or Eva Garcia have in common? Are they social media content creator? No, they are Writers. They not only publishes and writes books but is also the creator of true content.
Unlike the author, a content creator not only publishes books or ebooks but also creates content for distribution to different readers on different communication channels with the aim of creating a readership of his own.
And guess what these channels are? I’ll give you a hint:
- Your website/blog
- YouTube channel
- Textbook page
- Twitter account
Each of these is a means of communicating with your readers from where you can share your content and make real connections with your followers.
Table of Contents
The Benefits of Being a Social Media Content Creator
Think about it for a moment. You must follow the author, blogger, or “celebrity” in one of your social networking accounts. And of course, you share content with the people you follow on a daily basis because you find them interesting.
Have you ever wondered why you do that? Or why is everyone doing it?
I think the reason is that we are connected to the content created by that person and we need to tell everyone when we feel identified. It’s part of how we claim our identity. Of course, people share content that we think says something about us or makes us look good.
We want to get out of there and claim our existence.
This is why content creators take precedence over authors. Because what you write is shared and reaches many people who interact with thousands of them at the same time.
And I say thousands because that’s it. Because now you can be exposed through the internet and social networks.
But becoming a writer is not the only benefit. Among other things, the author gets to become the creator:
- Improve your writing
- Build and strengthen your personal brand
- Stay close to your readers
- Experiment with new storytelling techniques
- Ease of participation
- Share your creative process and your mood
- Take advantage of other formats such as video and audio
- Prepare a group of readers
Let me know if the benefits of being a creator aren’t worth it to you as a writer! If you already know this, I’m going to tell you how to become the No. 1 creator of your literary genre.
How do you become the best Content Creator?
Well, now that I’ve got your full attention and you’re listening to me. I want you to burn your head off what I’m going to tell you: As a writer and content creator, your goal is to create a lasting online identity that appeals to publishers and readers.
To win the battle of visibility.
I will not insist on the benefits of your own blog to publish your own content. We have already talked about this on other occasions. I will only tell you that the next strategy I am going to tell you about is more effective if you have your own website.
And to make this possible, I suggest that you follow the following path:
Measure the results and feed your class readers
Once you start creating content and publishing it, it’s important that you measure results and identify what works.
Take a look at how many users or sales you get with each of your published content, what kind of shared content works best for each social network, which titles work best, and which ones More than shared on social networks.
Check and reject what doesn’t work for you after the proper time.
And keep in mind that whenever you post, you will keep your followers thirsty for content.
Explain your goals as a writer
The first thing you should ask yourself is what you want to achieve with your online presence and content on the Internet:
Get the attention of publishers,
Start your own freelance writing career for self-publishing
Or a combination of both
It does not matter that in addition to these global goals you also mark other specific micro-goals. That is goals that are solid and that you put together in writing to plan your content. For example:
- Post one or two posts to your blog each week
- Reach 1000 Facebook followers in a year
- Get 10,000 monthly views on your blog after 12 months
- Publish the number of “X” books on Amazon in the next 12 months
- Top 10 in the Amazon Store for books in your category
- Achieve 2,000 followers on Twitter
- Get 1,200 subscribers to your mailing list.
As you can see, all of these goals are specific, measurable, and temporary.
But in order to keep these goals in line with your plan, they must be both achievable and achievable. That is, don’t try to set goals that are too ambitious for you to achieve. That way, you’ll be getting rid of clutter you don’t need. The best way to avoid confusion is to set yourself 3-6 month goals and fix them as you go.
Build your digital brand
You need a digital image that speaks to you and says: I am a professional writer.
One of the biggest mistakes of new and freelance writers is not having a clear image. Unfortunately, consumers and readers are attached to the image of quality. If it is not perfect, they will not believe that your books are valuable, so they will not buy them.
If you want to sell books and get a publisher’s attention, create a permanent digital identity. Click on Tweet
Your blog, your profiles on social networks, your books, etc .; they must present a necessary and coherent picture. It’s all product packaging and should be presented very, very well.
To do this, do a little benchmarking:
- Take a look at other blogs by authors of the same genre,
- See the aesthetics of their profiles on social profiles,
- Study their coverage in detail
Take note of what you see and get ideas and then hire your own staging staff with a Graphic design professional.
After all, you are like a company. You have to give that professional image. Develop your corporate image, with your logo, pantones, typography etc …
Create high-quality content and set an editorial calendar
You are the author. So this part, the most important and one that is going to produce more content than anything else, should be a piece of cake for you.
Nevertheless, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with persuasive writing techniques such as copywriting and keep the following elements in mind:
Make sure you understand Google well:
Google has its own rules. So you should make sure that you understand these principles while what you write is understandable and entertaining for your readers.
Learn how to write an article that is easy for you and Google to read and keep in mind the basic principles of SEO.
Don’t miss this SEO guide for beginners by Robin Alonso, it’s very useful and practical.\
Clearly identify who is the ideal reader for whom you are going to create content
It is necessary. Always be clear about who you are writing for.
Explain who your ideal reader is. Create a robot portrait of this person. Give him a name, a gender, an age and describe his personality, hobbies, tastes and what he does.
The more accurate you are, the better. This will help you to keep in mind who you are writing for.
I suggest you download this template and create your ideal reader profile with it.
Choose the social network that suits you best
Another important consideration to take into account as a Social Media Marketer is deciding which social networks you should share your content with.
You have to keep in mind that social networks are the most suitable for writers.
One of the most important social networks is:
Myth: Goodreads, Pinterest, and more on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
Non-fiction: Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ plus LinkedIn
Goodreads deserve special attention if you are a novelist or a writer.
This is a very popular social network of readers and writers from Amazon and even though it is in English you should seriously consider it.
If you’re interested in other social networks that connect authors and readers to promote your books and content, I suggest you consider: quelibrolo.com, boolino.com or rulebook .com
Establish an editorial calendar
Editorial Calendar is the key to not being lost and being able to create permanent content.
An editorial calendar helps you know which articles to write and which posts to distribute.
It avoids clutter and gets out of ideas, allowing you to create a steady flow of content for your followers. I assure you that as a content creator and author you want.
As you can see, you are slowly building your set of tools to become a first-class Social Media content creator.
Learn the basics of content marketing and copywriting
Now, you may be wondering what content marketing is and copywriting.
Content marketing is what we’ve been talking about since the beginning of this post. And it’s based on creating epic content for your readers. And copywriting is a writing technique to make it more attractive to people.
Although the two seem to be the same thing, there is a difference between copywriting and creating important content.
So far we’ve talked about organizing and creating relevant content. But it’s all useless if we don’t show up.
Now I’m going to talk to you about how to get visibility on the internet in record time.
Trust me, the following interests you like the most:
1º Go out and post on other blogs
Where most people misuse these techniques is in their implementation.
Naturally, you want to create content for yourself, that is, publish it on your blog or personal page.
You are wrong Especially if you’ve just started this “blogging” thing. If you have recently started your own blog, it is normal to have hardly any traffic. That’s why when you publish great content, there’s hardly any reaction for you.
Contrary to what you think, you should first write to others. For other bloggers or influential authors in your genre. Make your identity known by taking advantage of their traffic and influence.
For this you have 3 alternatives:
- Guest Posting
- Comment on related blogs and forums
- Write reviews for other writers
Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. And beyond that, publish your best content. The only way to quickly become famous and show yourself to publishers.
Here’s what happens when you do:
The data I have taken from this blog. And the increase in traffic coincides with the days when we post as guest writers at the homes of other influential bloggers.
To learn how to create an effective guest posting strategy and don’t stop commenting on other blogs to identify yourself.
2º Use copywriting or attractive writing techniques
There is a special way of writing for internet readers that you pay full attention to.
As a web content creator, you need to master this technique. Something that won’t cost you anything because you dedicate yourself to writing. It’s about copywriting or attractive writing techniques.
Mider Tomsanda reveals in her blog all the secrets you need to know about copywriting and to get a lot of readers.
Choose the type of content you are going to write
To find out what kind of content to publish, I suggest you review the Internet again.
The tools I use to know what content to create and I suggest you use 100%.
Both tools will help you identify the most popular content in the literary genre, the best entries for your blog and who your niche is.
This will give you an idea of what you want to write and where you want to publish your content.
All you have to do is search and get started with the keywords of your literary genre.
Keep writing and publishing books
Other blogs should include guest author contributions.
It doesn’t stop you from writing and publishing your ebooks. During 2015, it has already published an e-book and another that is in progress.
And he also works weekends at the golf course on rehabilitation issues.
I mean, once you start writing, you can’t stop. If you want to stop selling a single book, you have a very difficult time. On the other hand, if you keep writing and publishing your books, you will have new things to tell you and new opportunities to connect with your readers.
Do you still doubt that you should become a content creator?
You might think that whenever you spend on the Internet creating content to try to build your online identity and gain exposure for your audience, you steal time from creating your books or novels.
That is a fact but difficult does not mean impossible. It is possible that you are OK.
Especially if, to dedicate yourself exclusively to writing, you will be eligible to commit one novel a month on Amazon.
In this case, I would tell you that you will focus all your efforts on writing and publishing as many ebooks as possible and that instead of creating a blog, you should use Amazon for other bloggers and social networks. Develop content for promotional purposes.
This is a strategy that can be implemented well in the short term. But in the long run, you should think about creating your own author blog.
As is the case:
- Louis Jimenez
- Marcus Checot
- Eva Garcia Sanz de Arutori
- Saturated Nurse
- Michael Santiago
- Mercedes Pinto:
- Gabriella Literary
Thanks to all these successful authors, among other things, for understanding that they are the creators of creative content for 21st-century digital channels.
That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there
You have already seen the examples of authors that I have just shown you and how they have developed their own systems of social media content creator.
Most writers have a crazy habit of forgetting about marketing. Don’t be one of them
If you want to succeed with your books as a writer, you can’t easily afford this luxury.
It is important to note that in the age of the Internet, content is king and mastering the latest content marketing techniques is not an option for you.
Remember, a 21st-century author is a content creator who needs to master personal branding.
Now tell me, do you think social media content creator is worth being a creator? Let me know in the comments!