Recruiting via LinkedIn: How to use LinkedIn to Recruit Staff

Recruiting via LinkedIn: How to use LinkedIn to Recruit Staff

Great employees are still a top priority for companies. After all, highly qualified employees are the most valuable asset a company has. However, the digitally networked world has meant that the competition for such employees is increasing. After all, there are simply more companies available as potential employers.

Therefore, new paths must be taken in the area of ​​human resources in order to position one’s own company better. One of them is recruiting via LinkedIn. But how does it work and why LinkedIn at all?

Why LinkedIn is great for recruiting

As a business network, LinkedIn’s main purpose is to make contacts, network, and present oneself. Business topics are in the foreground. People are not on LinkedIn as private persons but as employers and employees. Around 722 million people worldwide use this platform.

Anyone who creates a LinkedIn profile wants to network and look for information from their own department – or a new job. This creates the ideal basis for recruiting via LinkedIn. Because mostly the people in this social network are willing to exchange ideas about professional topics and development opportunities.

The 3 pillars of recruiting via LinkedIn

The entire recruiting process is fundamentally based -process via LinkedIn on three pillars, which in combination offer a well-rounded overall picture and thus increase the chances for your own company:

  1. Employer Branding
  2. Social Recruiting
  3. Employee Advocacy

All three points contribute – directly or indirectly – to the major goal of “Recruiting via LinkedIn”. The basic prerequisite for this is, of course, that you have set up a LinkedIn company profile and filled it with content. So you need a descriptive text, suitable images, etc. However, these basic topics are considered to be set in the following. So let’s see how recruiting can be implemented via LinkedIn …

Employer branding – how you present yourself as an employer

Employer branding refers to the positioning and communication of a company as an exciting and attractive workplace. Behind this is the desire to establish the company as a strong brand.

In addition to concrete advantages (e.g. working conditions), it is also particularly important to convey a feeling for the company and its canon of values. This can be implemented on LinkedIn through targeted content measures.

Company presentation

  • Convey information about the company.
  • Make yourself measurable with facts and figures.
  • Highlight achievements and milestones.
  • Emphasize outstanding features and special features of the product.
  • Communicate USPs, values, and services.

Benefit -Communication

  • Talk directly about the advantages of working for your company.
  • information about mobile work, further training opportunities, opportunities for advancement …
  • Caution: weigh carefully. While a fruit bowl is a nice bonus, it is not a relevant fact for attracting skilled workers.


  • The strongest advocates are employees.
  • Create blog posts with success stories, which are displayed as quotes on social media.
  • Use short videos with colleague interviews.
  • Highlight the achievements of long-serving employees.
  • Have employees share their thoughts on the company.

How employer branding affects recruiting via LinkedIn

Employer branding has an indirect effect on LinkedIn recruiting, provided the content is implemented correctly. By communicating facts about your company and stories from your employees, you give potential prospects the opportunity to get an accurate picture in advance.

Ideally, you create a feeling of “wanting to belong” in this way, that specialists develop the need to join your company and your success story. At best, this ensures many applications for vacancies, unsolicited applications, and openness for direct contact in recruiting via LinkedIn.

Social recruiting – attracting specialists through targeted contact

Social recruiting refers to all measures that are taken on social media in order to attract skilled workers in a targeted manner. In contrast to employer branding, it is not about presenting yourself as a company, but about finding employees in a targeted manner. Social recruiting is therefore to be understood as a direct supplement to employer branding and goes hand in hand with it in a good HR strategy. Various tools are available for recruitment.

Add job offers on LinkedIn

  • Enter your job offers on LinkedIn.
  • Automate the entry process with job wrapping, which reads job offers directly from your website or from your system.
  • Keep your job offers up to date and prepare them carefully.
  • Place ads
  • Place paid advertising for potential applicants.
  • Share these ads on both LinkedIn messenger and feed.
  • Use a targeted approach with a strong visual (e.g. video) and a link to your own job platform.

Direct acquisition by letter

  • Write to people who are looking for a job or who fit the profile.
  • These cover letters are always from a personal profile of HR employees, as this is the only way it is possible and at the same time have a personal note.
  • Caution: Have a plan ready for the cover letter and the subsequent process. So you can recruit in a targeted manner.

Employee Advocacy – when employees become brand ambassadors

Employee advocacy means employing and recruiting employees as brand ambassadors. This is important as satisfying employee opinions on social media is perceived particularly positively by potential applicants. After all, a high level of identification with the company speaks for a healthy corporate culture.

At the same time, the reach of the company is increased by the fact that employees actively share and comment on posts. Overall, this has a positive influence on recruiting via LinkedIn. You have several options for this as well.

Motivate employees with high-quality content

  • Create high-quality, credible, and shareable content.
  • Communicate successes that your employees are proud of.
  • Let employees speak for themselves.
  • If necessary, link your employees in posts (after consultation).
  • Encourage employees to interact
  • Ask employees to share.
  • Offer an incentive: those who recruit professionals will receive a bonus. This often leads to job offers being shared and spread further.

Warning: Nobody can and should be forced to use the Disseminate company content.

Recruiting via LinkedIn: when will you start?

Recruiting professionals on LinkedIn is a great way to advance and further develop their own companies. However, as is so often the case in online marketing, the following applies here: only those who act with strategy win!

If you follow the three pillars of recruiting via LinkedIn – employer branding, social recruiting, and employee advocacy – and implement them in a targeted manner, nothing stands in the way of the success of your HR department. We wish you every success – and many suitable applicants.

By Ephatech

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