Many people think the hardest part of writing an article is to summarize it in the end. So today we will discuss How to start writing a summary of an article, which is to be published, is a very important step in communicating research findings. Often, authors of scientific articles pay little or no attention to this element of their production. The purpose of this editorial is to discuss how to prepare and write a systematic summary.
The summary is a brief summary of the article. This is not an introduction to the following, but a complete and comprehensive explanation of the key components of the study methodology and important research findings. Usually, the reader first encounters a summary with an investigation or story, sometimes only that element is retrieved and/or reviewed in a scientific database.
That element provides the first impression, often the most important, indicating the possible value or relevance of the research point of view and the results. If the summary is well written, it will persuade readers to obtain a complete copy of the manuscript, which will be included in existing manuscripts, and will refer to your work. If the summary is poorly written, the research may be overlooked or forgotten.
Table of Contents
Rules for writing a summary of an article
Before submitting an article for publication in a scientific journal, it is recommended to consult the terms of publication as well as the abstracts published in other articles of the journal. Most journals offer instructions to authors, including suggestions on the format and size of the article summary. The two most common forms are structural and non-structural. Although the approach is slightly different, both formats require the same information.
The other question that arises here is how many sentences are in a summary. Nobody can tell exactly the numbers to make it easy you can simply write 4 to 5 lines.
In a structured summary, the required information is organized into sections and identified by bold text breaks. In a non-structured abstract, there is no division of the text, ie the necessary information is presented in the form of paragraphs or statements and the division is presented as part of the text. The summary should go to the beginning of the manuscript, followed by the title, which usually covers the following information: context, purpose, method, results, and conclusion. The list of keywords selected by the author (s) is placed before the body of the article at the end of the summary.

The title reflects the content of the article and informs the reader of the scope, design, and purpose of the research. Many magazines have strict guidelines on the permission of letters or words, which can make this task difficult. The title should not be longer than 12 words and should not include George or unfamiliar words.
The idea, the context
The contextual section introduces the research and/or studies the problem. She points out the focus of the work or the central question: “Why was this study done?” This question needs to be answered in a few sentences, briefly stating what the article is about. Context usually follows the purpose of the study and, in many abstracts, it is optional or omitted altogether.
According to current evidence and psychological theories, providing appropriate information seems to be a promising way to reduce a patient’s anxiety. In the case of surgical patients, admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is associated with patient uncertainty, lack of foresight, and anxiety. Thus, specific information about the ICU may have a more clinical effect. This study examines the potential benefits of an ICU reporting program designed specifically for patients undergoing elective cardiac, abdominal, or breast surgery and intending to stay in the ICU.
The aim
This section focuses specifically on research questions, assumptions, or study objectives. A goal can be written as a statement that reflects research questions or assumptions, describing specific goals.
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of socio-ecological factors, including social support, barriers to health promotion attitudes (HPBs), perceived health status, and demographic variables on rural women’s HPS. Heart failure (HR)
The Methods section identifies for the reader the nature of the data analyzed in the study and answers the question, “How was the study conducted?” The components of this section may vary according to the research sample. In quantitative studies, part of the methodology usually includes research design, sampling, configuration, variables and/or instruments, and analysis of data. In a standardized study, this section usually includes a philosophical perspective, participants, context, data collection method, and data analysis method (9).
Usually, that section begins with a description of the research design. Examples of quantitative research designs include descriptive, communicative, semi-experimental, and experimental. Qualitatively reported designs typically cover phenomenology, data-based theory, ethnography, action research, and descriptive research. Research designs can also reflect one-time dimensions such as cross-sectional study (data is collected at a time), latitude (data is collected at two or more points in time), and pre-existing causes. Searching (identified in the present) and possible (looking for a future trend, based on identifying possible causes in the present).
The results section answers the question: What were the results? The results are the final points of research questions or assumptions and should be referenced in a logical order. If the statistical test was used to analyze the data, report the results of these tests and the level of significance, even if they are not critical. For the quality study, recalculate the resulting themes, categories, or ideas. That part sets the stage for the results of the study and, if space allows, it should be reported in as much detail as possible.
The Dutch had a higher mortality rate than the American population (28.1% vs. 15.1%; P <.001 in a month, respectively). After adjustment in disease severity, using logistical regression, the difference between the Dutch and American populations was not significant (difficulty ratio, 1.34 ؛ 95% confidence interval, 0. 94-1.90). The estimated death toll was much higher for Americans who had a more severe illness in one month, but not in three. No antibiotic method was consistently associated with an increase or decrease in mortality.
The required words
When submitting an article to a journal, the author needs to choose words and phrases that describe the main concepts of the research. These concepts should be thoroughly related to the study, research problem, and/or methods. Careful selection of keywords will facilitate retrieval of relevant research to the extent that these terms are used in indexing and searching for studies in scientific databases. Consult librarians and doctors, scientific databases, and journals before choosing keywords, so that appropriate names can be used.
Writing a summary is hard work, but a well-written summary will pay off. The primary function of a summary is to provide potential readers with a wealth of information, both in their interest and to help them decide to read the full article. It is important that your writing is not only concise but also accurate, as others will examine your summary so that potentially useful elements can be identified and used for their own literary review. Coins In this editorial we have outlined some guidelines and we invite you. I will try to use them next time you write a summary.
The conclusion reporting section answers the question “What do the results mean?” This section needs to consider the possible use, relevance, or implications of the reported results. Emphasis should be placed on new and important aspects of the study which are supported by the results or conclusions.
Despite differences in disease severity and treatment, adjusted mortality does not differ between the two countries. While we cannot rule out the benefits of more aggressive therapies for short-term survival in the United States, the difference in primary health is more important than the type of antibiotic treatment for the diagnosis.