Why you need Google Penalty Recovery Services? If what you’re looking for is a way to find out if my site has been penalized by Google and the best way to recover it is at Epha Tech (Google PPC). The first guidelines for identifying are the most common mistakes they are able to make in this penalty.
Losing website traffic can wreak havoc on your business. Online businesses, especially those that only work online, need to generate search engine traffic to succeed. That’s why the significant loss of flow, or a drop in web rankings, can be a big problem. Now, why do these hard drops come from one moment to the next? Well, because of Google fine.
Either automatically or manually, if the Google search engine detects anomalies in your web page, you will be penalized for losing a lot of keywords and traffic to your site. ۔
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How can SEO penalties from Google affect your website?
The significant reduction in web traffic and the loss of keyword rankings is a major inconvenience. And not only in terms of the company’s visibility but also in the conversions and monthly business goals they seek.
What are the effects if you receive an SEO Penalty from Google?
- Sudden loss of your website traffic.
- Low ranking for keywords.
- D-indexing of URLs containing specific keywords.
These results can result in the imposition of an SEO penalty on your website by Google.
How to get Recovery from Google Penalty?
In order to recover the SEO penalty, a team of experts has to find out and analyze the strategy that has been followed and this has caused the website to go bad. After studying the problem, a team of SEO experts will come up with another different way to reuse the website. Along with a more secure and effective SEO strategy so as not to face penalties again.
What are Google SEO penalties?
Positioning yourself on Google is not always easy. This is why some SEO experts choose to implement an effective link-building process to get better rankings faster. These exercises do not respect the rules imposed by search engines, for which, as soon as they are found out, they are fined. Similarly, search engines have to pay a fine when a link between an attack and unsafe links is found.
Penalties from Google and other search engines mean a significant reduction in web traffic and keywords that were well-positioned before the new risk strategy was implemented. Fortunately, fines can be recovered after a free fall.
Google Penguin Penalties
In April 2012, Google’s algorithm update was announced with a codename: Penguin. With this update, Google tracks links that are associated with your website and that are not physically created. Fake or violent links that alter site content.
Is it possible to recover from penguin fines?
Yes, like a panda fine, a penguin can recover after a fine. In order to do this, it will be necessary to audit the links, to find out the people who are harmful and who have gained the attention of the algorithm.
Upon identification of these toxic links, they should be removed entirely or otherwise denied so that they do not point to our website. From there, the website should be given a new boost with a secure link-building strategy and links that guarantee maximum quality. Only then can you get good organic traffic and a good position in search engines.
This is something that should also be included in the algorithm fines at the local level, this is something we already know and we are experts in this field. Many of our clients have seen how their local businesses have not only regained lost traffic but also increased it by hiring our Murcia web positioning services.
Google Panda Penalties
Google Panda first appeared in February 2011, which is nothing more than a significant change in Google’s algorithm for ranking search results. The new system aims to lower the ranking of low-quality websites and move the top pages to higher search results.
The launch of Google Panda created websites that created empty content and reduced their position and visibility because they did not have the minimum standards. From now on, one of the most important factors to overcome is getting into the web.
It is important that content is not duplicated or translated literally, just as it is important to ensure that the content on the web is of quality and not to fill in the blanks. The Panda system will soon detect this poor quality content. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that these steps do not attract the user, so the user will not spend much time on the website and will not generate conversions.
All these errors will affect the algorithm and your website will end up in the last positions of various search engines.
How do I know if my website has been penalized by Google Panda and retrieved?
The first step you must take to recover a panda penalty is a thorough SEO audit. In this way, our team of San Diego SEO expert company will be able to detect errors caused by penalties and analyze if this is indeed an action taken by Panda.
Following these previous studies, SEO on-page changes should continue to reverse the current situation. Similarly, it will be necessary to update the content to develop a new SEO strategy to improve its quality and improve the web.
What services do we offer to recover the Google SEO penalty?
At Epha Tech, we’ll help you get rid of the penalties imposed by Google. We’ll do an in-depth analysis of your site to find out all the malicious content that is hurting your ranking. After implementing the maintenance plan, we will be able to retrieve your website’s positioning and presence in search engines.
To do this, we must first conduct an SEO audit of your site. This will allow us to find fault with everyone who is affecting the SEO of your page.
In many cases when the page has been severely “punished” by Google, it is recommended to create a new page and move the previous page to the new location. This is especially the case when the image of a website or company has been severely criticized, for example. We don’t have to do all the power and work on the web so far, so we can take advantage of it and start a new website with a brand new image.
To find out how much it can cost you, you can read our section in which we talk about the value of an online store website based on a number of factors.
We are experts with more than 5 years of Google SEO penalty recovery experience, so trust us if you want to get your website back on track after losing traffic due to the penalty. Trust the Epha Tech SEO team.
We hope that your question about Google Penalty Recovery has been resolved. If you still have doubts, you can consult us through the comments or contact form on our website, either for any doubts regarding fines or for inquiries about our services such as WordPress Web design, SEO link building, SEM campaigns, community visibility. Network, etc …
Why can a well-positioned website be penalized by Google?
Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. Therefore, a website that was in a perfect position may be affected by a new update. For example:
♦ Google Panda: Google’s Panda update has put new demands on keyword density and the possibility of penalties for excessive optimization. Hummingbird guides the seeker to semantic search, which should support the use of synonyms, corrections, homosexual impressions, etc. So don’t misuse target positioning words. This usually involves reviewing the genealogy of titles, descriptions, image-based texts, heading texts, link texts, etc. Make sure we meet Google’s new requirements.
♦ Google Penguin: A Google update called Penguin has significantly increased the search engine’s control over the legitimacy of inbound links, penalizing the positioning of websites that allegedly manipulate their links. Their popularity has been eroded by increasing your anchor text by targeting and positioning. Goals.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”How will the human level help you achieve this?” open=”no”]
The human level will first identify the reasons that justify the penalty and apply the various strategies based on the algorithm update responsible for it then comes to the google penalty removal service part:
A Google update called Penguin has increased control over the legitimacy of inbound links by search engines and has penalized the positioning of websites that suspect their links are artificially linked to their links. By extending and targeting their anchor text towards positioning goals.
We use tools such as Google Search Console, Moz Analytics, Majestic, SEMRush, Sistrix, CognitiveSEO, and others for all incoming links, link acquisition rates, geographic location of links, potential detection of manipulated links, and more. And we suggest improving the wording of the anchor text in similar cases. Where it is possible (increasing brand links, reducing keyword density, etc.), requesting correction or deletion of those that are dangerous. Maybe, (rejection) that we can’t control, etc.
Human-Level examines the authenticity of existing links and citations and reveals the evolution of popularity in search of suspicion. Or manipulative links to manage their deletion or disapproval and thus avoid penalties through Google Penguin To go or to solve it
Google’s Panda update raises new demands on keyword density and the possibility of penalties for over-optimization. Hummingbird guides the seeker to semantic search, which should support the use of synonyms, corrections, homosexual expressions, etc. So don’t misuse target positioning words.
This usually involves reviewing the genealogy of titles, descriptions, image-based texts, heading texts, link texts, etc. Make sure we meet Google’s new requirements.
Human Levels review information architecture and suggest improvements in the positioning of content. That can lead to higher traffic and conversions.
Following this comprehensive audit. We will evaluate and propose specific improvement plans that we offer to develop later in the positioning campaign.
Human Level Communications initially conducts a comprehensive SEO audit to assess potential penalties. Make reconsideration recommendations, identify improvement opportunities, and design an SEO optimization plan focused on increasing organic traffic. Is.
Our audit has verified that a website complies with Google’s latest guidelines. And the requirements of the latest algorithm updates, in particular: mead, caffeine, panda, penguin, hummingbird, pigeon. Ads/page layout (mentioned above in detecting excessive advertising), etc.
Thereafter, the human level continues with the client through a permanent SEO consulting service and prompt response to any doubts or questions, usually between 6 and 12 months after recovery.