Today, I am going to show you how to Check my Speed of WordPress Website. Now I’m going through a series of how to see if your web host is good or not necessarily, and one of the first criteria, if you have a good web host, is how fast your web page loads. Now it’s essential to how fast your Web site loads if you go to Google and check out some of the criteria for search engine optimization and whether it’s going to Google wants to show your Web site when someone’s searching for a product or service or you whether it’s Google is going to show your Website.
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One Second or Three Second
One of the most significant factors is the site speed how fast the page loads. Now you want to have your site speed be under three seconds. Ideally, you want it under one second. So a perfect web host will be under a second and a halfway decent enough to get by Web hosts would be under three seconds and anything above three seconds it’s going to be a pretty crummy web host or you’ve got some problems with how you put your Web site together in so this series is all about figuring out the best way to get your Web site loading as fast as possible. But the first step is to see and evaluate the quality of your web hosts. Now a lot of web hosts what they do is overload Web sites. They are the technical phrases over cell capacity on a particular server.
So when you get a Web hosting account, it’s this server and a data center. And what a web host does is that they want to put as many Websites on one server to maximize their profitability. And a lot of times this can be at your expense if they don’t have any limit. Some of your web hosts like HostGator and Bluehost if you notice the Websites on those services they’re excruciatingly slow. And that’s because they’re notorious for overselling. Now I strongly have been recommending that you get an account with emotion hosting, which everything is just so much better, and you get your Web site will sit on a hard drive that’s an SSD hard drive that is lightning fast.
Top Three Tools To Check My Speed
So we’ve got three web-based tools available there. Right here, we’ve got Pingdom, page speeds insights, and GT Metrix. Now the way these sites work is you go to it. You copy and paste you are Url. You hit the start or go, or whatever the button says, and it’s going to test it, and you’re going to see in real-time. Now I will give you a caveat when you do this Test. You could check it three times, and the number is going to be a little different each time because there’s so much variability on the Internet.
So but they shouldn’t be drastically different. That shouldn’t be one second here, and then you test it again, and then it’s 10 seconds. So that’s one of the caveats. I prefer to use Pingdom. That’s my favorite. You could also Google any of these, and that will get you to the right link. So right here is Pingdom.
And what I like about it is its simplicity. You can paste in your URL here. And one caveat with the kingdom is they have servers that run this Test from all around the world. So, if I expand where it says settings, here are the different available locations. If you’re a server and your Web site is in the United States, you don’t want the Test to originate from Amsterdam. So and vice versa. Are Sweden and vice versa if you’re a web server is in Europe you don’t want to run the Test from San Jose California. So that’s just the one caveat. And the second one is if your Web site has the w w w in front or not. OK. You want to have it be exact.
Check Bluehost Website Speed
So let’s go ahead and test Web site BlueHost I use the w w w. And let’s choose Washington D.C and then click on Test now and sometimes when the service is overloaded there might be a delay, and it will say You’re number one in line or number two inline or something like that, but it just might take a moment for the actual Test to begin.
I will say that this Test is taking a little while longer. I cued up two other tests, so I’ll come back to this. So here is GT Metrix, and you can see I put the URL there. Interesting. I don’t use GT Metrix.
I usually use Pingdom exclusively to check my speed, but their test server didn’t let me choose in Vancouver. And it will give you a page score like this. It’ll provide you with load time. Now it’s on that it’s showing the load time is that because I know it’s not accurate, and we’ll explain on Pingdom but there’s going to be some variability between the different services that do this.
And when you scroll down, it gives you some ideas on some things that you can improve. And they’re here so here’s a couple of things.
I don’t know how much I trusted the images are already pre-optimized. So anyway, here’s page speeds insights. It is a Google product now showing the web-based. It’s careful about this is its Test though the mobile version and the desktop version. So this is the mobile version, and here is the desktop version, and it is more testing the different aspects of your Website. It’s not giving you a speed score, but it is giving you a rating.
But let’s go back Pingdom to check my speed. Sometimes, All right. So there we go. OK. Oh, I forgot, OK. Testing from New York, I’m under a second. And that’s what I said you want to be under a second. And also, let you know how much gets downloaded when someone visits your site. You get your performance grade and the number of requests.
I hope you found this information useful, and I challenge you to test your Website speed and maybe post your host and the speed in the comments down below. You made it to the end of the Article, which must mean that it brought value to you, so can you go ahead and click on the Love icon on the top right. That’ll help me out.
Now I never want you to leave empty-handed. So If you have any issues to check the speed of your website just click on WordPress Page and fill the form out there and I will help you to resolve your issue as soon as possible. Thanks